EVERYTHING you need to perform a Brow Lift

Having perfect eyebrows is a real concern for many people, however not everyone has eyebrows as thick and dense as they would like, that is where you and your knowledge come into play.

There are many treatments that allow you to correct asymmetries, improve the color and shape of the eyebrows temporarily or semi-permanently. It is very common for clients who decide to undergo a treatment for the first time to choose one with a shorter duration than those of micropigmentation treatments, such as temporary shading or the protagonist of this article; the brow lift.

What is the Brow Lift?

It is a technique that allows raising and redirecting the hair of the eyebrows , ordering it and visually increasing its density. Like the eyelash lift, the natural shape of the hair is undone. to give the desired shape.

What do you need to perform a brow lift?

Before performing an eyebrow laminate, or brow lamination you must prepare the area. The skin and hair must be completely clean to start the treatment, which begins with a study and design of your client's eyebrows. 

Know everything you need to make a good eyebrow design in this article.

1. Cleaning.

Cleaning is one of the most important steps as it will help you prepare the area before performing the treatment. For this step you will need:

A. Brow Shampoo : To degrease the skin and hair of the eyebrow.

B. Brow Scrub : To exfoliate and remove residue.

2. Preparation.

The preparation of the skin and hair is one of the most important parts of the step by step, it will help you prepare the skin for the application of the products.

C. Oil Cleaner : Definitely remove the grease from the hair, especially for oily skin. (See: Skin Formula, special for sensitive skin)

D. Primer Lift: Essential product to guarantee the result of the treatment.

3. Hair styling and orientation.

In this step you will comb with a special brush (Lift Comb) that will help you to stretch the hair perfectly, it is one of the most important steps since it will guide the hair in the desired direction. You will need to:

E. Lift Comb : Comb tool to secure the eyebrows during the lifting, achieving an optimal result of the treatment.

It is the perfect aid for styling and smoothing the brows during lamination, it helps to obtain a perfect distribution of the brows before the application of Lift 2 Fixing Gel.

F. Lift Adhesive: Allows you to fix and guide the hair in the desired position to achieve the lifting effect.

G.Lift 1 SENSITIVE Curling Gel

This formula allows to separate the molecular bonds in the hair of the eyebrows, specially formulated for people with special sensitivity.

As a result, you can change the original shape and position of the hair. It is an integral and indispensable part of the treatment.

Apply the product and leave it on for 8 - 10 minutes, then remove it with a cotton ball or swab. It must be withdrawn completely.

Also available Lift 1 FAST Curling Gel, effect in just 5 minutes .

H.Lift 2 FAST Fix Gel

Curls and fixes the new shape of the hair, altering its structure. After this step, your client will be able to enjoy a new smoothing effect on their eyebrows.

You can mix the product in a 1:1 ratio with the tint, apply to the eyebrows and leave it on for 8-10 minutes.

In the same formal way as Lift 1, remove the product with a cotton ball or a swab.

Also available: Lift 2 SENSITIVE Fix Gel

I.Lift 3 Botox

Lift 3 is intended to deeply nourish and hydrate hair. After the two previous formulations (Lift 1 and 2), it is a necessary step since due to such a big change in the shape of the hair, it is necessary to work on its nutrition and hydration.

Thanks to its unique formula, its combination of almond, sea buckthorn, olive, chamomile, wheat germ, avocado and vitamin E oils; nourishes the hair and improves its general condition.

4. Keratin laminate.

It will help you hydrate the hair, it is important not to remove this product once applied.

Keratin Laminator : Moisturizes and nourishes the hair in depth.

E. Profiling and cleaning.

To achieve optimal results, it is important to clean any remaining adhesive that may remain around the eyebrows.

The best option to clean it is using Nutritive Oil or Cleanser +

You already have the quality products and tools you needed to get started, but they do not include experience or knowledge. Practice is essential in this area, developing the necessary skill so that each pair of eyebrows becomes easier to achieve is an art that takes time and perseverance.

In addition, gaining experience has the great advantage generate trust almost automatically and provide some security to the client when choosing a specialist to transform your eyebrows.

Learn about our available trainings here.

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